Clarion Associates provides the full range of expertise that a community needs to prepare and adopt clear, innovative, and enforceable land use regulations. We have drafted effective regulations for dozens of communities throughout the United States.
Clarion professionals have drafted scores of successful land development ordinances across the United States and Canada. The firm has unparalleled expertise and a long track record of success in these challenging projects. We often are retained to streamline administrative procedures and to introduce major new substantive focus areas, as well as to reorganize and reformat codes and make them more user-friendly. Clarion is also a leader in helping communities transition from one generation of land use controls to the next.
Example projects include:
Clarion team members have significant experience in drafting standards to ensure that development respects and protects established neighborhoods and community character and meets local goals for high-quality building and site design and housing diversity. We are skilled at balancing economic development and revitalization objectives with the protection of established character. We also strongly support building flexibility and incentives into our codes to help avoid monotonous results and encourage creativity.
Example projects include:
Clarion has drafted numerous regulations and policies that distinguish between infill and new development, in terms of both design and development standards and review procedures. We recognize that many communities need a hierarchy of mixed-use districts that range from high-intensity areas surrounding transit stops and key activity nodes, to smaller-scale mixed-use areas that integrate well with established neighborhoods. With our breadth of experience in the areas of community planning, urban design, and implementation strategies, Clarion works collaboratively with communities to develop plans, policies, and regulations that support infill, mixed-use, and transit-oriented development.
Example projects include:
Clarion Associates has worked on numerous projects aimed at recognizing, protecting, and revitalizing historic places. Our expertise includes crafting historic district zoning and regulations, historic preservation plans, conservation districts, and analysis documenting the important economic and community-building benefits of preservation. Members of the firm appear regularly on national panels to discuss preservation issues sponsored by a range of organizations, such as the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Colorado Preservation, Inc., the Conservation Fund, the Appraisal Institute, and many others. Principals have produced significant publications on the topic.
Example projects include:
Clarion Associates has worked on numerous projects involving planning and plan implementation in resort communities around the country, from ski resorts to beach towns. Our experience in this interesting and challenging area of planning includes community plans, development codes, and innovative infrastructure finance strategies.
Example projects include: