Arlington is home to approximately 400,000 people and is centrally located mid-way between Dallas and Fort Worth. The city is home to major entertainment and sporting facilities, including the original Six Flags amusement park and the home fields for both the Texas Rangers and the relocated Dallas Cowboys. Clarion Associates was retained to lead a team to significantly reorganize and rewrite Arlington’s zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations. Because much of Arlington is dominated by post-war residential development and aging strip commercial corridors, the Clarion team developed an innovative set of residential and commercial design standards to spark redevelopment that will help to
revitalize the appearance and economic vitality of the city. In addition, Arlington’s code had become extremely disorganized through, among other things, the inclusion of approximately 500 pages of amendments that were adopted but never codified into the main code, making it very difficult for users to determine the current requirements. The Clarion team consolidated and streamlined the code and amendments by significantly modernizing the menu of zoning districts, eliminating unnecessary overlays, and illustrating the new code with tables and graphics to more efficiently convey regulatory requirements. The Development Code was adopted in June 2014.
Arlington TX Photo by mediaroom.arlington.org