
Keeping it Simple

January 21, 2020

by David Henning, AICP, Esq When Clarion Associates works with our partner communities to update their zoning ordinances and comprehensive plans, one value that is nearly universal is a desire for simplicity. And it should be! Communities come face to face with the complexity of these documents all the time. Members of the public may

Innovating for Plan Implementation

November 8, 2019

Historically, planners have looked to a plan’s implementation matrix to evaluate  implementation success over time. However, to be truly effective, a plan must be more than a simple checklist. The most successful plans influence action from the top down and the bottom up. They transform ways in which community decision-making occurs. And they are continually

Innovating for Missing Middle Housing

September 25, 2019
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As America’s housing affordability crises worsens, “Missing Middle” housing is trending – big time. Over the past three years, Clarion Associates’ planners and code drafters have worked to expand opportunities for Missing Middle housing in communities as diverse as Aurora, Colorado; Bloomington, Indiana; and Henrico County, Virginia.  While several popular graphics show Missing Middle housing as a defined