Recently, Clarion Director Don Elliott, FAICP, joined a panel discussion at the Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute about Transit Hubs and the Future of Mobility Choice. Co-panelists included Ann Bowers (Principal at Fehr & Peers), Don Hunt (Managing Director of Denver Mobility Choice Options) and Art Pierce (Group Manager for the Portland Bureau of Transportation).
Over the past year, Clarion Directors have participated in several conference sessions about the housing affordability crisis that affects almost all of our clients. Clarion’s panel discussion at the Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute focused on Disruptive Responses to Housing Affordability, a training session at the Denver Regional Council of Governments addressed residential occupancy limits
Since joining Clarion Associates as an associate in 2005, Leigh Anne King has been helping southeastern communities plan for a successful and sustainable future. Over the past 14 years, she has worked with more than 40 communities to develop comprehensive, long range, and strategic plans to guide future decision-making and public investments. Leigh Anne is
The movement of freight in America depends on a complex system that reaches from seaports to front porches. We bump up against parts of that system daily, from the delivery truck or warehouse we pass on the way to work to the package we sign for to the trip to the grocery store in the