One key way to reduce auto dependence and vehicle emissions is to increase transit ridership – and one key to doing that is Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). Across the nation, many communities are revising their zoning and development codes to include a mix of form, intensity, and building use controls to encourage TODs at a variety
On Tuesday, October 23, Prince George’s County, Maryland, adopted it first new zoning ordinance in over 50 years, and Clarion Associates is celebrating! Located on the eastern edge of Washington, D.C., Prince George’s County is home to an extraordinarily diverse population over 800,000 and lands that range from older urban areas with redevelopment potential to
Norfolk, Virginia, harbors some of the nation’s most important shipbuilding and naval assets, but it also has the highest rate of measured sea level rise of any east coast city. The coastline is the heart of the city, an economic driver, and a key amenity to the community. Unfortunately, the city also has a history
In the central Colorado town of Buena Vista, Clarion worked with staff, a steering committee, the Planning Commission, and the Board of Trustees to prepare substantially updated development regulations to implement a newly adopted Comprehensive Plan. The new Unified Development Code (UDC) establishes clearer standards for redevelopment and infill in the historic town’s central core,