At the recent APAColorado state chapter conference in Telluride, Clarion Director Don Elliott, FAICP, recently convened a panel discussion on “What if Single-family Homes House Multiple Households”. Don’s co-panelists included Denver, Colorado, Zoning Administrator Tina Axelrad, AICP, and Lakewood Planning Director Travis Parker. Panelists agreed that the extreme pressures for affordable housing in high growth
Roger Waldon, FAICP, Senior Consultant in our Chapel Hill office, received the APA-NC Robert Reiman Professional Achievement Award for contributing significantly to the planning profession over his career at the 2017 APA-NC conference. Previously he was named as one of the 25 most influential planners in the first 50 years of planning in North Carolina.
Greenville, North Carolina 2026 Horizons Plan | Comprehensive Plan 2017 Outstanding Comprehensive Plan for Large Community – Honorable Mention
Cary, North Carolina 2026 Horizons Plan | Comprehensive Plan 2017 Outstanding Comprehensive Plan for Large Community – Honorable Mention