Carrboro Open Streets

April 12, 2017

Every day we at Clarion act as experts for the communities we serve – answering questions, formulating plans or policy, or analyzing community data. It is also incredibly important to us to take the time to actively participate in our own community. On Sunday, April 9, the Chapel Hill office gave back by volunteering at

Planning for Hazards guide in Western Planner magazine

April 12, 2017

Working for the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), Clarion Associates recently led a team of experts to prepare the Planning for Hazards: Land Use Solutions for Colorado, a guide for communities looking to assess their local risk to hazards and implement various land use planning tools to mitigate such risk. Led by Clarion’s Matt

Albany’s New Hybrid Code Gets Attention

March 27, 2017

As Clarion Associates authors documented in our 2012 report on The Rules That Shape Urban Form (APA PAS #570), the use of form-based zoning controls is growing – but in myriad different ways, and almost always through integration into “hybrid” zoning ordinance that retain very significant land use controls.  Hybrid form-and-use based zoning has become