Two recent bills from the Colorado State legislature will affect future zoning regulations adopted in Colorado. The text of each is attached and they are briefly summarized below. HB19-1191: Allow Farm Stands on Any Size Principal Use Site The bill requires that farm stands of any size be permitted on any sized parcel regardless of
By Don Elliott, FAICP Last September I moderated a panel on “The End of Single-Family Zoning” at the APA’s Colorado Planning Conference. In addition to reviewing widespread city and county discussions about whether and where and how to allow Accessory Dwelling Units in single-family zone districts, we discussed several state and municipal initiatives across the
By Tim Richards, AICP, ESQ Several months ago, a client community reached out regarding development applications they were seeing for small to medium-sized order fulfillment centers repurposing vacant retail space. As planning staff, they had mixed feelings. On the one hand, seeing a vacant building repurposed and put to use is a good thing. On
Every March the NCAA basketball tournament shines a light on colleges across the country in one of the most exciting tournaments in sports. Though this year all games are in Indianapolis and San Antonio, it still shines a light on the communities that support these teams, college towns! We at Clarion love working with college