Tag Archives: Community Service

Food For the Summer
Tagged: Community Service
Earlier this month the Chapel Hill office spent their afternoon volunteering with Food for the Summer. This program is a partnership with Chapel Hill and Carrboro town governments, schools, and non-profit partners. Our staff, along with some visiting team members from the Denver office, provided healthy lunches and fun activities to two different sites in

Red Rocks Trail Building
Tagged: Community Service
On Saturday, September 16, the Denver office of Clarion spent the day building a trail at Red Rocks with Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado. We were part of a large group of volunteers maintaining and building new trails near the Trading Post trail. We learned how to use lots of new tools, moved lots of rocks,

Carrboro Open Streets
Tagged: Community Service
Every day we at Clarion act as experts for the communities we serve – answering questions, formulating plans or policy, or analyzing community data. It is also incredibly important to us to take the time to actively participate in our own community. On Sunday, April 9, the Chapel Hill office gave back by volunteering at