By Geoff Green, AICP For decades, automobiles have defined how our communities look and function. Most zoning ordinances require every new home, business, or factory to provide enough parking spaces to accommodate everyone who might drive there at the same time. This means many of our places have been designed more to fit cars than
by Darcie White, AICP While the basic components of comprehensive plans for counties are similar to those found in comprehensive plans for cities and towns, county plans require a tailored approach. Size is a key consideration, particularly in western states, where counties are especially large. For example, San Bernadino County, California, the largest county in
Over the last 30 years, Clarion Associates has partnered with many cities and counties that counted a college or university as a core part of their communities. That’s why it’s so exciting to see our partners featured and celebrated during the competition! This year’s NCAA Basketball Tournaments include 68 men’s and 68 women’s institutions. 22
by Paul Donegan, AICP, Matt Goebel, AICP, and Holly White Colorado is home to some of the most culturally sensitive, scientifically significant, and beautiful archaeological sites in the world, ranging from internationally recognized parks and monuments to tens of thousands of undiscovered sites. These places contribute cultural, scientific, environmental, and economic value to communities across