Tag Archives: Affordable Housing

APA Zoning Practice July 2023: “Using Faith-Based Land for Affordable Housing”
The July issue of the American Planning Association Zoning Practice, “Using Faith-Based Land for Affordable Housing,” is authored by Clarion’s Donald Elliott, FAICP, and Maggie Squyer. As described in the article, “This issue of Zoning Practice explores the growing trend of developing transitional and permanent affordable housing on underused faith-based land. It examines the relationship between land supply and the

The Single-Family Zoning Conundrum
Tagged: Real Estate, Zoning, Housing, Planning, Land Use, Affordable Housing, Single-Family Zoning
By Don Elliott, FAICP Last September I moderated a panel on “The End of Single-Family Zoning” at the APA’s Colorado Planning Conference. In addition to reviewing widespread city and county discussions about whether and where and how to allow Accessory Dwelling Units in single-family zone districts, we discussed several state and municipal initiatives across the