Tag Archives: development

APA Zoning Practice July 2023: “Using Faith-Based Land for Affordable Housing”
The July issue of the American Planning Association Zoning Practice, “Using Faith-Based Land for Affordable Housing,” is authored by Clarion’s Donald Elliott, FAICP, and Maggie Squyer. As described in the article, “This issue of Zoning Practice explores the growing trend of developing transitional and permanent affordable housing on underused faith-based land. It examines the relationship between land supply and the

Rethinking Parking Requirements
By Geoff Green, AICP For decades, automobiles have defined how our communities look and function. Most zoning ordinances require every new home, business, or factory to provide enough parking spaces to accommodate everyone who might drive there at the same time. This means many of our places have been designed more to fit cars than

Creating a More Sustainable Development Code
by Paul Donegan, AICP “Think globally, act locally” is one of the core tenets of the environmental movement – encouraging people to make small changes within their control to collectively address large-scale environmental issues. The concept, which has become a popular bumper sticker slogan and rallying cry for climate action, was first introduced in 1915