Tag Archives: Planning

Davidson, NC Comprehensive Plan 2020 Marvin Collins Planning Award
Great news! The Davidson Comprehensive Plan, What’s Next Davidson, has been recognized by the North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association with a Marvin Collins Planning Award, Comprehensive Plan/Small Community category. The award recognizes comprehensive plans that advance the science and art of planning. The Town of Davidson hired Clarion in 2018 to aid

Innovating For More Equitable and Inclusive Plans
Earlier this summer, I had the opportunity to spend a week with a group of graduate students and public/private sector professionals from around the country. While the topic that brought us together was historic preservation, participants came from diverse fields and included planners, historians, art conservators, museum curators, academics, community activists, carpenters, preservationists, and a building deconstruction specialist, among others. The background, experience, age, race/ethnicity, and focus of the participants was as varied as

Tiny Houses are Still on Our Minds
As Clarion Associates works with our community partners to plan and zone for innovative new types of housing, Tiny Houses are always a topic of discussion. In fact, they seem to be getting more attention as unemployment figures rise and an economic downturn seems more likely. Discussions about Tiny Houses tend to be confused, however, because different speakers mean

Creating a More Sustainable Development Code
by Paul Donegan, AICP “Think globally, act locally” is one of the core tenets of the environmental movement – encouraging people to make small changes within their control to collectively address large-scale environmental issues. The concept, which has become a popular bumper sticker slogan and rallying cry for climate action, was first introduced in 1915